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I like that you draw ugly people. Some day I would like to be an author and illustrator just like you!
Thank you for coming to our school. You were fantastic. My favorite part was when you drew that picture of Gargantuan...
Thank you for coming to our school. It was fun, stupendouse, and wonderful too. So come again...
I liked the way you do digitial drawing, because it is cool.
You are a great person, not to mention a great author and illustrator. Thank you.
P.S. My Grandma lives in Needham!
Tips For Planning an Author Visit

Step 1. Choose an Author
I, of course, hope you choose me, but you may feel my program doesn’t meet the needs of your school or our schedules simply do not meet up. Authors are a close-knit group. I am happy to suggest another author that is better suited for the school’s academic focus. Plus, the good karma always comes back around….
Step 2. Make a Schedule
Decide how you will break up your grades. Teachers, parents, and librarians know this all too well - a presentation geared toward a first grader will not appeal to a 4th grader. Even a Fall 1st grader is very different than a Spring semester 1st grader. I encourage schools to discuss how to best break down their grades with the teachers (because they are on the front lines!)
Here is a typical breakdown some schools use:
Group 1: K-1st
Group 2: 2nd and 3rd
Group 3: 4th and 5th
Group 4: 6th grade
(If you do not have a 6th grade, I recommend breaking up K and 1st.)
These are just recommendations. Each school will know the needs of their classrooms best.
Here is a typical breakdown of presentation length:
pre-K: 30 minutes
K-1st: 40 minutes with 10 minutes for Questions
2nd - 6th: 50 minutes with 10 minutes for Questions
Please note: I typically do 3-4 presentations in a day. Yes, I will make exceptions if your grades are difficult to pair up but there is an additional cost of $200 per extra presentation and there’s a good chance the last presentation is not going to be as spunky as the first. (Although I do try my best!)
Lunch with the Author:
I love to have lunch with future writers, artists and monster hunters. You can either have me spend a few minutes at each cafeteria table or have a private lunch with fewer than 20 kids. For the private lunch, students can be chosen through a lottery or the merit of their writing or drawing abilities. I do suggest the more intimate lunch because it gives more introverted kids the chance to ask questions without their usual click of friends around them.
Step 3. Book Signing
PTO and Librarians are already overworked as it is so having a book signing in addition to planning a visit does take some extra work. Please be assured that having a book sale after an author visit is not required. I do still suggest having one though if you have the resources. I plan to get kids very excited about reading and then if there isn't any books to sell afterward...the moment is lost.
Step 4. Space and Tech Needs
Because my presentations are so media focused, I will need a projector. I will also need a screen to project my presentation onto (smart board, projection screen or smooth white wall)
I am comfortable speaking to small groups and large auditoriums. For large auditoriums, I recommend having a microphone. For smaller groups (less than 60), I recommend the library. My voice is pretty loud so I will not need a microphone in a library.
I can also move from classroom to classroom but please make sure your projector is ready to go and you have someone on call who knows how to work it. I use an iPad so set up is quick on my end but some older projectors need time to warm up.
Tip: Please allow 5-10 minutes between each presentation for students to get settled.
Step 5. Paperwork - Author Visit Contract, W-9, Book Order Forms
Once all the logistics are worked out, please sign and return the contract I will send you. This contract is important not just because it gets everyone committed to dates and times but you may need it for tax purposes. Please note: the w-9 does not need to be completed before the school visit but the contract must be signed and dated before a visit.
I will also send you a book order form if you choose to arrange a pre-book sale. I recommend this option because some students may feel disappointed if their friend has book money for the book signing and he/she does not. I can sign books in private and the books can be given to the students after the event.
Download a sample order form >>