Beccia's Books
I like that you draw ugly people. Some day I would like to be an author and illustrator just like you!
Thank you for coming to our school. You were fantastic. My favorite part was when you drew that picture of Gargantuan...
Get in Touch

I love receiving drawings, ramblings, book ideas, or random diatribes. The picture to the left is zombie Queen Elizabeth with a rather large goiter. I always end my school presentations with a digital drawing demo on how to draw "grotesques" like Leonardo da Vinci. Over the years this has inspired some intriguing mail. Keep it coming...
If you would like to schedule an interview or need press info, please email me* and I will foward you to my publicist. Unfortunately, she is pretty busy right now trying to figure out how to promote a book that teaches kids which body parts to eat if they become a zombie. I don't envy her...
If you are an editor or art director and have an illustration project, you can contact my agent.
You can also visit me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.**
*If that doesn't work, try one of my messenger pigeons. Just don't feed the fat one. He gets wily.
**I just added those social media links to make marketing happy. I am about as social on social media as Queen Elizabeth's zombie corpse.