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I like that you draw ugly people. Some day I would like to be an author and illustrator just like you!
Thank you for coming to our school. You were fantastic. My favorite part was when you drew that picture of Gargantuan...
Thank you for coming to our school. It was fun, stupendouse, and wonderful too. So come again...
I liked the way you do digitial drawing, because it is cool.
You are a great person, not to mention a great author and illustrator. Thank you.
P.S. My Grandma lives in Needham!

Like a zombie feeding on dead flesh, a great author visit gets kids devouring books. Beccia has been giving author presentations for over 12 years. She was a commentator on the PBS documentary, Secrets of Henry VIII’s Palace and has spoken at the Computer Electronics Show, Boston Children’s Book Festival, and several SCBWI events. Her talks help students learn about the writing process, the research (find out how to correctly apply leeches) and end with a demo on digital painting. Download a school visit brochure
Why Host a Monstrous Science Day
Monster Survival Skills Meets Real-World Science in a Monstrous Science Day.
If you become a vampire, should you bite a vein or an artery? (Better learn the circulatory system...) How do you survive a nuclear fallout from Godzilla’s breath? (Hint: wear white and stay inside your school.) What are the signs a werewolf (or other beast) is about to attack? These questions and more are answered in a Monstrous Science Day.
Encourage Critical Thinking
What is happening in our brains when we feel fear? After you become a zombie, which part of your brain still works? How does the square-cube law make King Kong’s size impossible? Using monsters as a guide, Beccia encourages students to use innovative thinking to conquer fears.
Prepare Students for Technology Advancements
Get kids excited about STEM-based careers! Scientists might not be able to turn a man into a wolf, but they can use transgenics to modify organisms. Dr. Frankenstein’s machine may not give life, but electricity is being used to save lives. Have medical researchers found a way to survive blood loss from vampires (or other attacks)? Students will learn the latests advancements in medicine, science, and technology to tame any monster.
Encourage Creativity
Using an iPad and Apple pencil, Beccia demos digital painting. Students get excited about this portion of the presentation because the technology is becoming affordable and accessible to all students wanting to learn this exciting media.
Grades: K - 6th
Each presentation is geared to the appropriate grade level and the academic focus of the school. K-1st grade presentation highlights becoming an author and the importance of reading. 2nd and 3rd grade presentation focuses on research, writing, and creating digital art while the 4th- 6th grade talk applies those concepts with more detail.
$1000 for the day. Up to 4 presentations.
$500 for 1/2 day or 2 presentations.
$200 Library visit. One hour presentation.
•Travel expenses (air fare, hotel, gas mileage if beyond 50 miles)
•All talks include lunch with the author and book signing so students can ask questions not answered in the presentation.
*Note: travel expenses can be shared between neighboring schools.
Each presentation is 35-50 minutes depending on the grade level with 10 minutes for questions.
Need more information on planning an author visit? See my helpful tips>>